Thursday 17 December 2015


Over the past two weeks or so I have been tying to get up together with a range of different things that need completing. One of these things was my UCAS application, I still wasn't sure whether to apply to other universities as I knew I didn't want to go away just yet. This is why I have put FDA Photography at Weston College as one of my choices, I feel that it will be the right course for me because of the location and it will mean I am still able to get the qualifications I need to hopefully go onto University one day. As much as I was set on applying for this course I still wasn't sure whether I should apply for universities to see if I have a chance at getting in.

Sunday 13 December 2015

Visual Communication

For my third option, one of the projects was a graphic design. I had to design a milk carton based on two random words I was given. I found this project fairly difficult as I just wasn't sure how I was going to represent these words on a carton and make it visually effective. After doing some research and basic designs I found that my ideas actually started to flow and before I knew it I'd created a piece of visual communication I was happy with.
This is my final piece for my Illustration project, I had to design an Illustration to go alongside and article of my choice. I was given the option of three different articles and I decided to choose this one because I felt I would be able to create a more effective design to fit the text than I would be able to with the other two articles.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Over the past couple of weeks

Over the past couple of weeks I have been working on my fashion and textiles project for my second option. The project is based around architecture which I initially found difficult to brainstorm but after some research I discovered a few different artists and pieces of inspiration which I have found very helpful to my ideas. Once I'd gathered my inspiration I began to work on some designs that I felt had a strong link to the project title, I then narrowed it down to three final designs which i began experimenting with to see which idea turned out to be more effective. I have not yet finished my final piece but I am happy with what I have achieved so far and will continue to improve my idea more and more.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Dismaland Bemusement Park

I recently visited Dismaland which is the new theme park designed by Banksy in Weston Super Mare. As you might expect the theme of the park is a dull, dystopian society, from the unsafe looking rides to the miserable looking staff, it really creates a dismal atmosphere. I personally found the experience extremely eye opening because of the way Banksy tries to show us messages about our society through his artwork, it makes you stop and think more deeply about the world.

Thursday 10 September 2015

Land and Water

I visited Weston Beach, Marine Lake, Sand Bay and Uphill to photographs various seaside landscapes and nautical themes which all fit the theme of Land and Water. I used some of these photographs in my final series of photos as I felt that they were quite effective.